oh, what grand megastructures shining beacons of modernity fade swiftly into naivety, they were never meant to exist to begin with, their ruins will never crumble under the dying sun, only paperclipped documents and dusty binders contain collective delusion, consider instead: software serfdom antivirus wheat field accelerated vassalage, content is generated from the past as the future empties out


Fakergé Collectibles (2/2)

PLA 3D print, acrylic paint, 16x13x13 cm. each

A series of small digitally sculpted bootleg Fabergé eggs printed into physical space mimicking the visual language of video game collectibles/easter eggs. The original Fabergé eggs have historically been associated with immense wealth and exclusivity. This has led to decades of obsession with the authenticity of the known existing works. Despite their status, they are without any utility beyond a status symbol and are ultimately useless objects - not unlike digital collectibles and hidden easter eggs, assets that completionist gamers tirelessly seek and accumulate. The designs of the two sculptures are loosely based on a fictitious generic sci-fi video game setting with each of the two eggs representing opposing factions within a non-existing game world.

Images above are from group show Kunst På Ruinen (2023) in the ruined medieval castle grounds of Søborg Slot.