oh, what grand megastructures shining beacons of modernity fade swiftly into naivety, they were never meant to exist to begin with, their ruins will never crumble under the dying sun, only paperclipped documents and dusty binders contain collective delusion, consider instead: software serfdom antivirus wheat field accelerated vassalage, content is generated from the past as the future empties out


Cacophony and Perpetuity: A Generative Performance

Real-time rendered scene [∞], laptop, cooling pad, monitor, spray paint

A visual generative computer performance with a heads-up display. A complex system of connections that ultimately stem from an input of perlin noise; a common noise algorithm designed for generating pseudorandom organic shapes and behaviour for use in computer graphics and simulation. The noise generation is a synthetic imitation of the naturally occurring patterns and behaviour that can be observed outside computerised space.

Various objects and entities are dynamically “performed” inside the live 3D environment based on the arbitrary nature of the noise. The composition of the room is therefore constantly unique, creating a generative experience where the relationship between the assets (objects, textures, colours, parameters) is entirely at the hands of the pseudorandom; a simulation where objects morph, distort and clip into each other without any regard for the affordance or original function of the object. Time itself becomes fuel for the infinite variety of the simulated environment that twists recognisable objects into obscurity.